Ayyo Shivuda song lyrics penned by Kasarla Shyam, music composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, and sung by Kondappa Dasari from the movie Balagam.
Song Name | Ayyo Shivuda |
Singer | Kondappa Dasari |
Music | Bheems Ceciroleo |
Lyricst | Kasarla Shyam |
Movie | Balagam |
Ayyo Shivuda Song lyrics
Ayyo Shivuda Song Lyrics Ayyo shivuda yemaye Yenakati daaniki saripoye Ayyo shivuda yemaye Yenakati daaniki saripoye Yaasa kandladhoka barrunde Barreki dhagga dhunnapothunde Yaasa kandladhoka barrunde Barreki dhagga dhunnapothunde Barre balisipaaye Dhunna dunkipaaye Naagali irigipaaye Navvula palaye Ayyo shivuda yemaye Yenakati daaniki saripoye Teeru teeru seera kattukuni Teerdhanike vellipothenu Teeru teeru seera kattukuni Teerdhanike vellipothenu Oorikokka seera oosipaaye Unna izzat-u bazaar la paaye Ayyo shivuda yemaye Yenakati daaniki saripoye Ayyo shivuda yemaye Yenakati daaniki saripoye
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This Ayyo Shivuda song is from this Balagam movie.
Kondappa Dasari is the singer of this Ayyo Shivuda song.
This Ayyo Shivuda Song lyrics is penned by Kasarla Shyam.